a mom's guide to

emergency preparedness

Learn the best and easiest ways to jumpstart your preparedness lifestyle. 

Let’s get real for a second, friend

Prioritizing a self-sufficient home and a preparedness lifestyle is dramatically losing popularity in our current society. 


It was only a couple generations ago that homes were routinely stocked in their cellars with all the necessities and families were raised with an emphasis on crucial life skills. The rise of our modern society has easily allowed us to abandon the tradition of self-sufficiency, and therefore has made us completely dependent on our current, local food supply and resources. 


Now, I don't think that this is the worst thing ever, but I do absolutely believe that we need to hold tight to traditional family values of being self-sufficient and prepared. 


Don't worry, I've got you.


I have poured tons of tips, helpful links, and personal advice into my ebook: A Mom's Guide to Emergency Preparedness.

I know this for a fact:

You are strong. 

You are capable. 

You are *really* great at taking care of your kids.

If you are feeling even the slightest bit anxious about navigating an emergency while you're alone with your children, this ebook is for you. 

Let me help you find your confidence in yourself. 

Let's make preparedness a

family lifestyle again

When was the last time that you saw a news headline about: 

a port strike, 

or a supply chain disruption, 

or millions of products recalled due to contamination, 

or predicted food shortages, 

or contaminated water supply for entire towns, 

or people being stranded for weeks due to a natural disaster and only having a few days worth of food, 

or weeks-long power outages, 

the list goes on…

Let me help you navigate these stressful headlines with ease. Instead of waking up to yet another issue to deal with and rushing to the store to panic purchase as much as you can, let's set up your home to be as self-sufficient as possible so it can withstand any storm. 


The average person has less than a week's worth of food in their home and the only water supply they have is whatever comes out of the tap.

When your home is prepared, you can feel confident in your immediate ability to feed your kids, keep them safe, and mitigate your own stress. You can choose if you want to head out to the store or gas station to top off your preps, OR you can choose to stay home and avoid the outside chaos.

The point is, when you are prepared, the ball is in YOUR hands. You can work on being proactive instead of reactive anytime an issue comes out of left field.

Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Let's get YOU feeling confident in yourself and your preparedness. 

In the event of any abnormal incident,   whether it's a small scale disruption or a large disaster,                                    the first issues will be:  the local food supply, clean water supply,        and personal safety. 

Let's get you and your home prepared and ready to respond to any situation that is out of your control. 

In this ebook, you'll get: 


Checklists for your evacuation bags


Gear suggestions and links 


Home preparedness item suggestions  


Tips on how to start a food storage pantry


Advice for teaching kids about family preparedness 


and so much more!

Let's do this!

I know that getting started on your preparedness journey can bring a bunch of new purchases, so I want to make it easy on you. 

I have discounted the original price of this ebook for a limited time in hopes that it will help as many mamas as possible. 

Thank you for putting your trust in me and in this ebook. If you find it helpful, please share this link with anyone that you think would find value from it as well. 


Reg. $29